Interprogetti Genova has been dealing with design, survey and consultancy activities in the marine and offshore fields since 1991, with the commitment to provide customers with reliable and profitable solutions.
The subsidiary Interprogetti Singapore Pte Ltd was incorporated in 2018 to improve the company’s presence in the Far East Area.
We deem that of all the acts of humans, the most holistic is that of constructing and what we have been trying to do for our customers, is to assist them with creativity and simplicity, being aware of how difficult it can be to achieve it, as both goals require a lot of dedication.
With these targets in mind and driven by care, passion and devotion to work, we have been tackling several complex and challenging projects, proposing innovative and tailor-made solutions to lead our customers to success.
Strengthened by many years of worldwide experience we trust to provide our customers with a sound point of support to cope with the toughest scenarios of the marine, offshore and oil & gas circles.
- Dealt with more than 3100 different jobs
- Managed and supervised the construction and the conversion of dozens of ships
- Managed dozens of ships in service (offshore units, general cargo vessels, bulk carriers and tankers)
- Designed dozens of New Builds and major conversions (crane barges, tugs, livestock carriers, yachts, ro-ro, container ships, transhippers, tankers, bulk carriers and special vessels)
- Performed hundreds of surveys including casualty surveys, total losses, marine warranty surveys and Owner’s pre-purchase surveys.
- Dealt with dozens of court cases and arbitrations.
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